Bayou launch release notes

Bayou enables software developers to get their customer’s utility data instantly. The API takes minutes to integrate, consumers authenticate their utility accounts with one-click, and developers get access to utility account, bill, and usage interval data in 60 seconds or less.

Bayou is working on significant updates to our product ahead of a public product launch in January 2024. These include:

Fast integration

Re-designed dashboard

  • Dashboard Home (in development): View demo data or connect your own utility account, then invite co-workers or jump straight into the QuickStart guide.

  • QuickStart Guide

    • Enhanced comments for clarity with links to relevant documentation

    • Can be downloaded and run 100% within your terminal-no need to setup webhook endpoint for local testing. Just create a Bayou account and add your API key.

    • Python file available now, will be self-service in dashboard in Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Typescript, C#, Java

  • Dashboard webhook management: view and resend any webhook within Bayou’s dashboard

  • Re-designed Customers section of dashboard (in development): enables you to view key customer data

  • Updates to webhooks

    • The bills_ready and intervals_ready webhook events inform users when data discovery has been completed. The logic that triggers the webhooks has been updated to support edge cases and the JSON objects for both webhooks now categorizes discovered data.

    • New customer_must_reauthenticate webhook event informs users that a specific customer must share their credentials again

One-click for customers


Utility Data Hackathon Wrap up - December 2023


Bayou Energy July 2023 product release